Tuesday, January 13, 2009

God is WITH us...

First, let me ask you to read http://www.frcliveonline.blogspot.com/ - today's devotional is the basis for my thoughts...

It was in the following words that something really struck me:

"When things are going very well, we celebrate the great things that we have done.

When things are up, we stop dreaming.

When things are at the top of the mountain, we forget the climb.

But the opposite is also true.

When things are bad, we blame God.

When things are down, all we do is lament and worry.

When things are in the valley, we forget to look up."

(Pastor Brian Vasil - Flamingo Road Church)

That is so true of me...

When things are going well, I lose focus of the WHY they are going well!

But when they go wrong, I am quick to ask "HOW could You...?"

But something I've learned is that it is in those times that are down
that if we humble our selves and begin to trust again in God's plan for us
we find peace... We re-find our focus and re-connect to our God...

And that re-sets us back on the path to His plan for us!

I know the down times are hard - but never lose sight of the fact that
they are necessary...

They are as necessary for us as the Shepherd and his staff are for the sheep.

The Shepherd sees when the sheep stray off-course and uses His staff to guide them back on track!

So in those down times - be thankful!

They are the surest sign that God truly is WITH you...

Thank you Father for being the CEO and Director of my life...

I commit to YOU anew and ask YOU to continue to guide and

direct me towards YOUR plan for me...

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