Monday, August 24, 2009

Look Out For It

Its been such a long time since I posted anything here... I am working on a new post, sharing my thoughts and where I am in my life in the hope that it can help even one person in their own journey!

Look out for it...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Its Been A While...

Its been a while since I last shared my thoughts,
Its been a while since I last saw you...
Its been a while since I last shared what was going on in my heart;
Its been a while...
But God is still at large in me!

Every day that I feel broken,
Every day I feel lost and confused;
Every day I wonder where my Lord has gone
I realize He is right with me just waiting me for to see...

Its been a while since I last shared my thoughts,
Its been a while since I last saw you...
But I want you to know that in that little while
My God has shown me how to surrender all...

And now my heart is filled with power,
The power that comes from knowing He is here with me;
The power that comes from a faith that cannot be broken
No matter what happens around me!

It may have been a while since things last seemed clear and simple,
It may have been a while since you believed you could overcome
All the things that are falling apart all around us
But take this time to know that God is very much in charge!

Thank You Father for the strength that comes from knowing that no matter
what I do, no matter how little I deserve Your love - I am YOUR masterpiece!
You created me for a purpose and a future and a hope and You aren't going anywhere!
You're right here with me!!!
In Jesus' precious name I pray,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

God is WITH us...

First, let me ask you to read - today's devotional is the basis for my thoughts...

It was in the following words that something really struck me:

"When things are going very well, we celebrate the great things that we have done.

When things are up, we stop dreaming.

When things are at the top of the mountain, we forget the climb.

But the opposite is also true.

When things are bad, we blame God.

When things are down, all we do is lament and worry.

When things are in the valley, we forget to look up."

(Pastor Brian Vasil - Flamingo Road Church)

That is so true of me...

When things are going well, I lose focus of the WHY they are going well!

But when they go wrong, I am quick to ask "HOW could You...?"

But something I've learned is that it is in those times that are down
that if we humble our selves and begin to trust again in God's plan for us
we find peace... We re-find our focus and re-connect to our God...

And that re-sets us back on the path to His plan for us!

I know the down times are hard - but never lose sight of the fact that
they are necessary...

They are as necessary for us as the Shepherd and his staff are for the sheep.

The Shepherd sees when the sheep stray off-course and uses His staff to guide them back on track!

So in those down times - be thankful!

They are the surest sign that God truly is WITH you...

Thank you Father for being the CEO and Director of my life...

I commit to YOU anew and ask YOU to continue to guide and

direct me towards YOUR plan for me...

Monday, January 5, 2009

God's Better Way

Micah 4: 1-13

Its a New Year, we have a new President- its a time that we all try to talk about the spirit of Hope and opportunity that the New Year brings.

But in truth, its a very difficult time in the world! The Global Economy is terrible, people around the world are suffering, many are jobless, have serious financial problems; relationships are affected, health is affected - there are alot of negatives out there!

And the truth is that many of us, despite our talk of hope and excitement about all the New Year has to offer, many of us are very scared and very worried...

Micah 4: 1-13 talks about such a time... a time when things seemed hopeless and any kind of end to the hardship and suffering seemed impossible! Micah 4: 11-12 says:

"But now many nations are gathered against you. They say, 'Let her be defiled, let our eyes gloat over Zion!'

But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord; they do not understand his plan..."

Jeremiah 29: 11. The Lord tells us:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

So what am I trying to say? Well, time has proven again and again that there have been MANY periods where we have to go through difficulty to serve God's plan. This may be the result of our needing to learn something; or maybe He is working out His better plan and its a part of the process to get us there.

Time has also proven again and again that He is ALWAYS there and ALWAYS is faithful and NEVER lets us down! His plan always proves to be the better way - even though during the hard times, we can't begin to see it - it always proves true in the long run!

Let me share with you one of my personal experiences: I consider my life to be very blessed! I have things better than countless people - and yet I worry, fret and complain about what to many would seem like insignificant things...

As a child, growing up, we were never wealthy. We had many tight times, but we always had enough. More importantly, we had great parents who taught us to have faith and to trust God in all things.

As an adult, I was lucky enough to go through some of the best times in my Real Estate career when I started. It seemed like I was born to do this and I, along with my husband, grew very successful! I don't want to imply that we never worked hard at it, because we did - but in truth, it was very easy then... We began to take alot for granted!

The past two years have been two of the toughest in our business... Alot has changed, nothing is easy anymore! But out of that high and then that low, something amazing happened: I found my way back to God!

That was His plan - if I continued to ride that high horse, I would have continued to fool myself that our success was our doing and not realised it was His blessing!

In the midst of the dark, low period, a brilliant light came into my life - I realised that though I had messed up and lost my way, God was there, waiting for me to wake up and come home! That started me on this journey to find and reach my God-potential; this journey of a committed relationship with my Lord and Saviour.

I was no longer a child in faith, believing in words only because it was what my parents taught me... I was now an adult, who took a step towards God and He reached out and caught me! What better plan could there have been? I can't describe to You how much that has impacted my life!

So here we are, at the beginning of a New Year, and its a period of hope, yes, but its also a low point, in that there is alot of uncertainty; alot of fear about the direction we need to take now in our business; about the future...

This Scripture today in Micah 4: 1-13 reminded me that sometimes the things God promises for our future don't seem evident or likely in light of what we're experiencing today. But the truth is that whatever is going on today is preparing the way for God's better plan.

So if things are scary or difficult or uncomfortable, don't give up hope! This time is a momentary detour leading us to God's best for us!

Thank you Lord, that even though we are always letting YOU down, You never fail us and are always merciful and are always planning for our good, for our hope and our future...

God Bless!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

As we go into 2009, I wanted to wish everyone a Renewal in Jesus... A renewal that will bring you so much joy, peace and LIFE in this New Year!
Some of us may have ended last year with a feeling that all is lost - but I want each of us to enter this year with a sense of HOPE - a HOPE that comes from the knowledge that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD, a HOPE that comes from knowing that God is able to resurrect dead dreams, missed opportunities, defeated finances, dying marriages and terminal friendships!
ALL we have this year is HOPE and FAITH... God will take care of the rest!!! Trust that God can energise you with new life and purpose and look forward to all that is to come...
Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Personal Revolution

This morning, I came to the real awareness that it has long been ingrained in my head that even though I am a Christian and know why we celebrate Christmas, I am still almost completely caught up each year in the gifts and the tree and the lights and the festivity and less so in the true Reason for the Season!

I kept thinking about Pastor Troy's calling us out to give our greatest gift and it really, finally sunk in that the real reason we celebrate Christmas is because it is the celebration of the greatest gift ever given - SALVATION - which began with Jesus' birth those thousands of years ago! He didn't come wrapped in shiny paper, sitting under a tree! He was born in a stable and was wrapped in strips of cloth to keep him warm...

It sounds crazy to me that this is the first time it really sunk in - but it finally happened because for the second year in a row, God has been teaching me the hard way that my heart and mind were focused on the wrong things! Here I was, sitting here feeling sorry for myself and it hit me - what am I feeling sorry about? What do those brightly wrapped gifts mean anyway? So maybe I could have given my husband a shirt - maybe he'd like it, maybe he wouldn't...

In the long run, how does this do anything to bring God to someone; to bring Him glory? When any of us receive a gift at Christmas, do we truly spend any time thinking how wonderful God is that we got that great gift?

That's when it hit me - my greatest gift is the gift that will show someone who Jesus is and truly ENRICH their lives with the ability to develop a relationship with HIM and receive salvation!!!!!
Today's devotional by Pastor Brian talks about a personal revolution - thank you God for my own personal REVOLUTION!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today's Prayer...

Philippians 4: 4-7

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Lord, You know the petitions in my heart... You know my fears and anxieties! I surrender them to You Lord - in Jesus' name.